

  • The submitted manuscript is an original work and has never been published or is in the process of publication in other journals.
  • It can be conceptual studies, an excerpt of research, including empirical research and theory relevant to Islamic affiliated educational institutions. The topics of the journal cover the micro, meso, and macro levels of Islamic education.
  • It is written in English/Arabic in accordance with the standard of scientific papers;
  • The length of the manuscript is between 6000 to 10000 words; A4 size paper with double spacing, using Garamond Style font and font size 13;
  • The manuscript is submitted through the website of AL-HUSNA The Journal of Islamic Religious Education Thought by first logging into the system; or by sending it as an e-mail attachment in the Microsoft word format which is addressed to the editorial board at


  •   On the boundary of Islamic education, 
  •   Non-plagiarism, 
  •   Never and not being published in other journals, 
  •   Prioritized on based empirical research, 
  •   Written in English/Arabic (using Microsoft WordGaramond 13, 1 space, A-4) or Arabic (Microsoft World, Traditional Arabic 14, 1 space),


  • Submitted manuscript must include title, author name, abstract in English, and keywords;
  • The title of the article is written not more than 15 words.
  • Abstract is written briefly, concisely and clearly, between 150-200 words that reflect: the problem (Issue), theory or supposed condition (Rule), argument or analysis (Argument), and Conclusion;
  • Keywords can be words or phrases, a maximum of 3-5;
  • The contents of papers for empirical research consist of IntroductionLiterature Review, Research MethodFindings and Discussion, Conclusion, and Bibliography.
  • Introduction consisting of background, literature review (to arrange the state of the art), purpose and problem formulation,  written in one chapter without subtitle.
  • Literature Review Authors should provide very short literature survey in order to record the existing solutions/method, to show which is the best of previous researches, to show the main limitation of the previous researches, to show what do you hope to achieve (to solve the limitation), and to show the scientific merit or novelties of the paper.
  • Method consists of a description of research type, data collection, data source, data type, and data analysis. It is written in a paragraph form.
  • Result and Discussion inform a number of important data (original) field which obtained from the questionnaires, surveys, documents, interviews, observations and other data collection techniques. It can be completed with table or graphics to clarify the result.
  • Conclusion:  write succinctly and clearly the result of research then describe the logical consequence in developing science and praxis of Islamic education. Conclusion is not indented and uses bolded Garamond 13.
  • Bibliography consists of reference and citations refer to the Chicago Manual of Style 17th (full note) edition by using manager reference (Mendeley/Zotero).