Analisis Dampak Pendidikan Agama Islam terhadap Pembentukan Identitas Keislaman Remaja dan Fungsinya dalam Menghadapi Tantangan Identitas Kontemporer


  • Husna Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Jami Banjarmasin Author
  • Abdul Kadir Jailani Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI) Al-Jami Banjarmasin Author

Kata Kunci:

Analisis, Dampak, Pendidikan Agama Islam


This study aims to analyze the impact of Islamic religious education on the formation of Muslim teenagers' identity and its function in addressing contemporary identity challenges. The research employs qualitative methods, including interviews and focus group discussions, to explore how Islamic religious education shapes the identity of Muslim adolescents and equips them to navigate contemporary identity challenges. The findings reveal that Islamic religious education plays a significant role in shaping the identity of Muslim teenagers by instilling religious beliefs, values, and practices. It provides them with a sense of belonging to the Muslim community and a framework for understanding their place in the world. Additionally, Islamic religious education equips teenagers with the knowledge and skills to confront contemporary identity challenges, such as cultural globalization, secularism, and societal pressures. This study highlights the importance of Islamic religious education in empowering Muslim teenagers to navigate contemporary identity challenges while maintaining a strong Islamic identity. It underscores the need for educational institutions and policymakers to recognize the crucial role of Islamic religious education in the holistic development of Muslim youth and to integrate it effectively into educational curricula.




Cara Mengutip

Analisis Dampak Pendidikan Agama Islam terhadap Pembentukan Identitas Keislaman Remaja dan Fungsinya dalam Menghadapi Tantangan Identitas Kontemporer. (2024). Al-Mukhlashin: Jurnal Multidisiplin Ilmu, 1(1), 71-81.